Saturday, August 19, 2006

time for new meds

So, today is day 3 on my new medication. My doctor, after my visit on Weds., has put my on a thyroid medication now as well. It's supposed to take some time, about a week or so, to build up in your system before it really has an effect. So far I've been happy - it's cheap, which is good when on a budget, it's tiny, which makes it much easier to swallow, and it seems to be working already, as I haven't been as hungry lately. It might actually help me stay a bit warmer too, which would be wonderful. Today will be the ultimate test of that though, as the office AC is cranked up, or rather down, to about 60, which they do every Saturday, prob. to keep it a bit cooler on Sunday, when they turn it off . Anyhow, I have now been exercising everyday for a couple of weeks straight, and even if the scale isn't really showing it yet, I'm happy. I'm able to do more than I was before, and I think I'm getting smaller. I went to my normal Dr. in the middle of July, and between that Dr, and my endocrinologist visit, I lost 7 lbs. Of course, this is a re-loss of weight, as I had shoved down my throat when I find I had gained 4 lbs between endocrinologist's visits - thus the new med - but hey, that means my stated goal of 30 lbs lost by Christmas just shrank to 23 left to go. Of course, if I lose more than that, I'm not going to complain.... I can lose up to about 45 lbs and still be in the "healthy" weight loss range after all :-)

Sunday, August 13, 2006

UGH and OUCH!!!!!

So, my ex was over yesterday, and I successfully managed to exercise in spite of that fact. And I hurt, again . Since He was downstairs to use the internet, I decided that I would exercise by walking instead of by DDR and my normal routine. I'm lucky enough to have a relatively flat block in front of me; lucky because I have chronic shin splints to go with all the other assorted aches and pains I’ve acquired and the doctors have told me previously that walking on any kind of incline will aggravate the shin splints worse than walking on flat surfaces does. So, I decide to walk until I can’t stand to walk anymore. I walk past the first pain of the splints, which happens when I’m less than a third of the way around the block. I walk past the side stitches, which are there to remind me that yes, I have been pushing myself rather hard the last couple of days. I walk past the hip attempting to leave its socket. And, after the 2nd time going away from my house, my body has decided that I’m not actually trying to kill it after all, and I can walk pain free again, which is a wondrous sensation by this point. So, I manage to walk until the cd I’m listening to is done, but I’m not ready to quit just yet, and I start it over again. At this point, about 45 minutes have gone past, and the shin splints have decided to re-appear, so I do my cool down walk, and call it a night. Tonight, I’m going back to the DDR, as it doesn’t cause these problems for me!

Pandy, I hope you're still exercising :P

Saturday, August 12, 2006

and there shall be pain....

So, yesterday Pandy came over, and we worked out together. It didn't feel like we had done that much at the time, but it turns out, at least according to my back, that in fact we did do a fair amount of exercise. All told, we did 3 sets of DDR, 2 of those on standard mode, my homemade workout routine - which is about 25 mins, a belly dance tape, and then walking for 1/2 hour or so. All told, I would have guess it told about 2-2.5 hours, and I felt fine after it, but today my back is twinjing everytime I move it. And what am I going to do today after work... More exercise . Although, since my ex is crashing at my place tonight - he has game tomorrow - I'm going to be doing walking instead of the other stuff, which may help. Alright, I'll prob. throwing in my routine as well if I can get him to not be around to see it.... I have a goal of losing at least 30 lbs by Christmas, which since that's 6 lbs a month, should be do-able. I have no idea how much weight I've lost so far, if any, since I have so far won the battle with myself, and avoided stepping on the scale :-) I'm afraid that if I step on the scale, and don't see at least some results, I'll get discouraged and stop, and I don't want that to happen, so.... To my eyes at least, my stomach is starting to get smaller, and I'm starting to get a waist again - I always did have some waist, but not the way it used to be. I found some old photos of myself yesterday as well - Pandy was nice enough to chase away the spiders that were guarding all of my stuff in the storage unit - and I'll trying to come up with a way to cut my ex-husband out of the photo so I can look at it for motivation :P I still don't have a scanner, but getting one is becoming more important to me, since I dug out all of the photos i had, and I'd love to be able to scan in the negatives and see what I've got, without needing to keep the photo's themselves, as they take up much room. I'm actually getting to the point of not needing prints - unreal as that feels to me.... I haven't gone completely over to the dark side yet though - I still love my 35 mm camara, and don't use the digital one that much :P Anyhow, back to the weight loss thing, I'm at a weight now that's much less than I weighed when my family went to Disney world a few years back. And if I'm able to lose those 30 lbs, I'll be at a weight smaller than I've weighed in the last 6 years. If I lose even 40 lbs, I'll have turned back the clock by 9 years :-) The other good news is that my doctor doesn't even what to talk about the possibility of giving me medications to help me lose weight, since I'm not a a level that the good would outweigh the bad. And I'm not at a level to be able to consider anything more drastic than that, like surgery . I'm not happy with where I am yet, but I feel better than I have in a long time, and I'm not going to let anything stop me at this point!!!

Friday, August 04, 2006

a set of 6's, WHOOT!!!

Not much has happened lately to deserve an update, as work's been pretty quiet, my friends are in the same situation they have been in, my ex is still being his normal self, and cats are doing fine. However, I do have to share my good news of the day, today, for the first time, I managed to do a set of 6's on DDR. For those not in the know, a set is a group of 3 songs, played with no real break in bewtween them, without any repeating songs (after all, it's not fair to do the same song 3 times :P). The scale for steps goes from 1-10 (10 step songs being extremely rare), with 10 being, on my scale, "please kill me now and get it done with" :-) I've been working on moving from light (easy) mode into standard mode, which isn't as easy as it sounds, which means I've been working on my 4 and 5 step songs in standard mode. Today, just for the heck of it, I decided to see what some of the 6 steps songs are like, and I managed to complete a set of them WHOOT!!!!! Now, I just need to work on completing a set of standard 5 steps....