Friday, August 04, 2006

a set of 6's, WHOOT!!!

Not much has happened lately to deserve an update, as work's been pretty quiet, my friends are in the same situation they have been in, my ex is still being his normal self, and cats are doing fine. However, I do have to share my good news of the day, today, for the first time, I managed to do a set of 6's on DDR. For those not in the know, a set is a group of 3 songs, played with no real break in bewtween them, without any repeating songs (after all, it's not fair to do the same song 3 times :P). The scale for steps goes from 1-10 (10 step songs being extremely rare), with 10 being, on my scale, "please kill me now and get it done with" :-) I've been working on moving from light (easy) mode into standard mode, which isn't as easy as it sounds, which means I've been working on my 4 and 5 step songs in standard mode. Today, just for the heck of it, I decided to see what some of the 6 steps songs are like, and I managed to complete a set of them WHOOT!!!!! Now, I just need to work on completing a set of standard 5 steps....


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