in which we learn, slot machines are boring!
so, i went to seattle again :-) the trip was much fun. we went to a casino the first night i was there, and i learned that playing slot machines is *really* boring - you just sit there, and push the button, until you lose all your money. i've heard that the one were you pull an arm, and get tokens/money back instead of just credits, is more fun though. the next day, i spent with friends and family, and it was cool. Tuesday, we went downtown to the waterfront and the aquarium, which is one of the 2 places i had wanted to visit, sicne it had been a while. the aquarium was a lot of fun; i particulary like the seals and otters, but then i do love mammals after all! after that, we went over to visit with more family, and i met my cousin's husband and kids. Weds we went to deception pass, which was the other location i'd really wanted to go to, and we saw a bald eagle while we were there, as well as did some beach combing. after that, we went down to mukleteo, to the mongolian grill, which was a fun experience. thursday was taking up completely by getting back home, and i realized yet again that i miss the days of flights straight to seattle without a layover, esp since my dislike of flying was reinforced on this trip... I wish next time i could drive instead!
this past week, pandy and i went to gettysburg, which was much fun. i love visiting there, but don't like going by myself, and pandy was willing to be kidnapped for a trip, which she says she did greatly enjoy. we stayed at the farnworth house, which just rocks, ate there the one night as well, saw the battlefield, and about every pos monument you can make look like a phallic symbol. we spent most of our time in my fav areas - little roundtop, devils' den, and the triangular field areas. i found the perfect rocks on little round top as well, since there are many rocks to scamper over, which i greatly enjoy. we also did the mourning theater, candlelight ghost walk, and graveside walk, and visited the jennie wade house, which is a place i've always wanted to see. i actually managed to take less then 5 rolls of pictures, which is after all really saying something for me, and pictures will be available soon, after i get them developed and all. all in all, it was a satisfiying trip!
yesterday, i came back from the trip to find out that my office is being moved downtown to the corporate office, and after a bit of panic, have now gotten myself organized in terms of parking and the like, which will make my life much easier! but of course, the move is happening at the same time as my class, so i'm going to have fun getting organized down there, in addition to trying to stay organized at home at the same time. if only the class wasn't soo far away!
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