Sunday, July 23, 2006

two in a row special :-)

Now, with another exciting day at work, not much has changed. My co-worker was off yesterday, which sucked big time. He called me this morning to let me know he was calling off sick again today, and 5 mins after I got off the phone with him, my boss called to let me know co-worker would be in around 1 pm. Now, this made me much happier, since yesterday not much got done, including me taking a lunch, in part because I couldn't get away from the idiots. Today, I get to take a lunch. And, since he showed up much earlier than I was expecting, before 11, I get to take breaks as well, and will hopefully get to do my 2006 fiscal year spreadsheet checking (soo looking forward to this... ).

In other news, the painting proceeds on the downstairs bathroom. I need to finish putting the tape in place for the detail work (thanks to Pandy for helping yesterday with that), and then finish the first coat. The room is small, but it's under the staircase, and is thus shaped somewhat strangely, and so much detail work is needed. I have high hopes that I'll finish the tape and first coat tonight, and can finish the second coat tomorrow morning. It'd be a lot easier to finish this is I had more then 2.5 hours at time to work on it.... The latest it's allowed to take me is to Tuesday, since I'm going to see a couple of movies with the ex on Weds, and Friday I've got Forsaken (hopefully). And, since the Mage game I was in is currently on hiatus (ie, prob dead and buried), I *need* a game to play in! I don't want to spend time and money on WoW yet, and I REALLY don't want to go back to vamp, but if I don't get to do some rp'ing soon, I'm gonna cry!!! :-)

I do have more photos to put up, hopefully soon, but since I'm back up to 10 rolls of film to develop, it will prob take a month or so to get them all done. But, it'll be nice to see what I got at the Cleveland zoo, which we went to for class when couldn't view the collection we were originally supposed to see. They have a lot of cats there, and I sooo want to go back when I have the chance to - it's got def day trip poss since it's only 3 or so hours away :-)

Anyhow, here the song going through my head today. I've been on a Papa Roach kick lately, so here's the lyrics to "Take Me"

Take me and let me in
Don't break me and shut me out

So take me and let me in
Don't break me and shut me out

I lit my pain on fire
And I watched it all burn down
Now I'm dancing in the ashes
And theres no one else around
Cause I wanna be apart of something
This is just a story of a broken soul

As days go by, my heart grows cold
I can't seem to let this all pass me by

[Chorus x2]

I'm burning in the heavens
And I'm drowning in a hell
My soul is in a coma
And none of my friends can tell
That I'm reaching out and getting nothing
This is just a story of a broken soul

[Chorus x2]

Don't shut me out

Does anyone around me feel the same
Put your fist up and vent your pain
Does anyone around me feel the same
Put your fist up and vent your pain
Does anyone around me feel the same
Put your fist up and vent your pain
Does anyone around me feel the same
Put your fist up and vent your pain

[Chorus x2]

Take Me
Don't Break Me


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