Saturday, August 19, 2006

time for new meds

So, today is day 3 on my new medication. My doctor, after my visit on Weds., has put my on a thyroid medication now as well. It's supposed to take some time, about a week or so, to build up in your system before it really has an effect. So far I've been happy - it's cheap, which is good when on a budget, it's tiny, which makes it much easier to swallow, and it seems to be working already, as I haven't been as hungry lately. It might actually help me stay a bit warmer too, which would be wonderful. Today will be the ultimate test of that though, as the office AC is cranked up, or rather down, to about 60, which they do every Saturday, prob. to keep it a bit cooler on Sunday, when they turn it off . Anyhow, I have now been exercising everyday for a couple of weeks straight, and even if the scale isn't really showing it yet, I'm happy. I'm able to do more than I was before, and I think I'm getting smaller. I went to my normal Dr. in the middle of July, and between that Dr, and my endocrinologist visit, I lost 7 lbs. Of course, this is a re-loss of weight, as I had shoved down my throat when I find I had gained 4 lbs between endocrinologist's visits - thus the new med - but hey, that means my stated goal of 30 lbs lost by Christmas just shrank to 23 left to go. Of course, if I lose more than that, I'm not going to complain.... I can lose up to about 45 lbs and still be in the "healthy" weight loss range after all :-)


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