trip, and bread machine
So we've taken our trip to Atlanta, and the aquarium was worth it!!! The whale sharks were wonderful to behold, and there are also manta rays in the same tank, plus the rest of the aquarium was also very nice indeed! We also went to the zoo and to Stone Mountain, and both were also very nice. I actually went on the first level of their ropes course, which since it's 10 ft off the ground, and I'm afraid of heights, was a really big deal for me (hubby of course went on all three levels). The mountain itself was impressive to see, particularly from the gondola, though I wish it hadn't been carved into. The view from the top was nice, though I wish there had been less humidity for a better view.
A couple of days after we got back, hubby got a bread machine for me I've wanted one for years, but we never had the space before. We're trying it out right now, and the cheese bread I choose as the first test subject smells wonderful! This is also the easiest baking I've ever done :-)