Sunday, January 21, 2007

quilt:1, me:0

So, for those who haven't heard, the quilt beat me; I actually gave up on it. I gave it a valiant try, but it just wasn't coming together at all. I''d made a hexagon pattern, and had to sew each hexagon to a different one individually, which, since it used to be done that way, wouldn't have been that bad, except for the fact that the pattern itself was not perfectly shaped, which meant there was no one the finished "flowers" were as precise as is needed to get a quilt to lay flat. I saved some of the flowers to make a pillow instead, and pandy's going to choose a different quilt for me to make, one that involved nothing more complex than squares and triangles. And, now I know why you rarely see complex patches in a quilt . Since I know have one less project to complete, even if I'm still feeling the guilt of not finishing this one, I've moved onto the next project to be finished, which involves the 2 knitted blankets I've been making. One of them is about halfway done; I've used 6 skeins of yarn, am on the 7th, and 4 more after this one. I've figured out that if I can sew 3 rows a day, I'll get it finished in about 2 months, which is currently my goal. Sooner would be better, but I'll be happy to have it done period. The other blanket is a dark blue Chanel yarn, which is soft, gorgeous, and not too bad to work with, as long as I keep the knitting loose. Then, since I've finally gotten to the point of not starting a new project until the old one is done, I'll work on the 2 quilts I have lined up to be next :-)

I'm just wishing that I had brought the shorter blanket into work today so I'd have something to do, as I left my book at home, it's unbearably slow right now, and the system I need to use to catch up on my work stuff is down for maintainence. I'm really not in the mood to read the 2 non-fiction books I have sitting at my desk waiting. Granted, I like anthropology, but I'm still half asleep, and it's a bit unreasonable to expect myself to learn anything when I'm asleep (or at least that's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it :P). I suppose I could start making phone calls to other random members of my family that I've never met, and in this case have probably never even heard of me, but I don't like doing that at work. I'm hoping that if enough of us put our heads together, we can find some information about my grandmother's family. I have a place name in Russia, I've even looked it up online, and from what I can see, they'll likely be happy to help us to learn more, but I need to have their names first to do so! I haven't even been able to find my great, great grandmother's 1st name, which is highly annoying, since the last name I have is one that she was given at Ellis Island, and thus is of no use when searching ship records. And, one night a week spent banging my head against the wall of ship records is enough for me, at least until I have something new to work with, though it will become tempting again today as I grow more bored.....

Please give me the strength to not die of boredom at work today... :P


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