Sunday, September 19, 2010

The unexpected posting :-)

This is an extra posting; I hadn't planned on posting today :-)

This weekend a whole lot of not much got done unfortunately. We went to a craft show where I did at least find one Christmas/solstice present, but aside from light cleaning, that was about it. I'm happy to say though that I worked a little on my to-do list - I got my computer working properly again after it had gotten a virus. So, this week I'll be able to work on my photos without fear! I've also rearranged my photos on my computer, as I was running out of room. I need to pare some of them down, and put them on my external drive.

Next weekend is my hubby and my anniversary, so we have a busy weekend planned. We're off to the ren faire on Saturday, followed by a picnic where we got married. On Sunday we're going out to eat, and I'm not working, so it will be very nice. We still need to start defrosting year old cake though - I'm sure we'll each take a bit of it and then toss the rest, but I'll try to get at least one photo first!

Otherwise, so far the diet is continuing. I ate one thing at the festival that I shouldn't have (cheese sticks) but other than that, I had turkey leg and drinks only. Hubby ate his way around the festival as normal - I swear he lives to taste everything he can at these things :P I did pick up a new soup mix; we'll see how this one goes, but at least the broccoli is in large chunks, and there are other identifiable foods in the mix. I haven't wanted to make a from scratch broccoli cheese soup yet, so here's hoping (since the other ones I've tried have tasted like crap).

That's all she wrote for now.


At 6:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey - I am really delighted to discover this. great job!


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