Wednesday, August 15, 2007


How has my life been lately? Mostly decent, but also rather busy, and it's going to get more so . I'm going to be taking 4 classes next quarter, Monday through Wednesday, and I'm still not entirely positive what shift I'll be working. Aside from that, we had a pipe explode last week that kept the labs out of commission, and so I'm not where I planned to be in my classes right now, which is highly annoying as it means I need to come down tomorrow to work in the lab again before work.

More "Meh" stuff in that Seamus is gone until Saturday helping one of our friends move. That he's helping is fine, but I do still miss him. I'm going to be keeping myself busy as much as possible - today I went and bought all the stuff I've wanting to get for a while, and cleaned up the kitchen a bit more, so when he gets home, he may not recognize it :-) Tomorrow will be busy with more cleaning and with classwork, so Friday after class is going to be the real drag - I have no idea what I'm going to do yet. I may end up cleaning up some more, sewing, watching midsommer murders, or going out to get shots for my final projects. At least the shots I took this past week turned out rather well, which I'm happy about, esp. with the night shots. I took a guess on the times needed and just kept the shutter open, counting seconds. It's the first time I've bracketed in terms of seconds :P I hope to get at least another roll developed tomorrow, 2 contact sheets made, and two prints down - in 3 hrs that's pushing it rather a lot, so we'll see.

In other news, I think I'll need a digital camera for the winter quarter, so may have to start looking into that soon. other than the camera and whatever else I'll need for class, I think the house is all set now, which is nice. And, the news that I've been waiting for for a while may hopefully be coming in our weekly meeting tomorrow; we'll see. My manager says we have lots of stuff to go over, both good and bad, so I'm hoping she got approval for all of the positions she wanted, but somehow I doubt it . If she didn't, I'm going to be very unhappy! If she didn't get the positions, and I don't get the red eye, I'm going to start looking elsewhere - I like my job, but I want and deserve a title at this point! So, wish me luck tomorrow!


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