I've been tagged...
OK, so I've just gotten my first "tag" from Pandy (http://pandoraanesidor.blogspot.com/), and I now know what my friends were talking about on Friday in regards to tags and such. So, here are 5 of my own idiosyncrasies,
1) I absolutely can't stand being bored! I generally take a book, or five, with me everywhere I go. If I don't have a book, then I have my PDA with me instead to keep busy with.
2) I'm obsessively organized. I can tell you where books are on my bookshelves, which DVD's are located where. And I have all of my books, dvd's, and pretty much everything else I own listed in my PDA, in categories and alphabetized, so I can tell if I'm buying a duplicate or not.
3) I can't spell, at all. I also can't do just about anything else that relies specifically on memory, so I'm horrible with names and dates as well. I also have a horrible time prouncing words, due to a speech issue I've had all my life. I tend to blur my words together, which really doesn't help when I'm trying to remember words/names and spell them. However, I can remember where someone put down their pen 5 hours ago, go figure.
4) I hate zombies. I didn't realize this until Dawn of the Dead came out, and I had nightmares for the next 3 1/2 weeks. I'm not joking. Every time I shut my eyes, I could picture, in great detail, almost every scene from the movie, and I couldn't shut it out. I was afraid to get out of my car when I would get home, and I usually don't have problems with anything like this. I've seen other walking dead style movies, and they never really affected me this badly, but those zombies were like badly messed up predators that didn't act like predators, and that just clashed with some part of my psyche. That movies messes me up to the point that I don't want to watch any movies with zombies (except Evil Dead, long live Bruce Campbell :P) since all those movies now bring back scenes from Dawn.
5) Aside from zombies, I love most supernatural things, be they in real life, movies, books, etc. One of my favorite warm weather activities is to go ghost hunting, esp. down in Gettysburg. I firmly believe in science, but I also believe science hasn't yet found out everything there is to know about the planet we live on. Hey, they just found a "Lost World" in Indonesia after all, and that's completely physical in nature. How much is there still to learn from the non-physical?
id•i•o•syn•cra•sy - a structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group. Write down 5 of your own idiosyncrasies, then if you wish, tag 5 people
I'm not going to tag anyone, since I don't know who all is on this and Pandy's got most of the folks I knew for sure would be online.
Nice tag response. Nothing I didn't know about you, but I bet you already knew all of mine too.
Psst...sleepy panda!
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