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So, my friend has made this blog about the hamster I gave her( http://nebbyhamster.blogspot.com/ ), and I've decided to try this out now too. We'll have to see how long it lasts.
As far as Nebby goes, she's a cute little black bear hamster that I had special ordered, but after I had her for a month, my apartment got sold, and my new landlord doesn't like pets. My cats are in the lease, so she couldn't kick them out, but the hamster wasn't so I had to find her a new home. Kind of a pain, but that's the way life goes, ehh. So, I'm frantically trying to figure out what to do with my hamster, seeing the same sort of situation I had with the stray cat that adopted my porch at my last apartment. Having been there, done that, I decided to make sure I had a backup plan regardless of anything else. I call the pet store, make sure they'll take her back if need be, and they will, so that's all good, but I don't like the idea of her going to someone who might want a free hamster to feed to their snake, or someone who won't take care of her the way I have been. She's got her own personality, as well as likes and dislikes after all, plus I've got every goodie for her that I could find (nah, my pets aren't spoiled rotten or anything), and really, what am I going to do with two cages and a 6 month supply of treats for a hamster anyway? So I call my friend, and get lucky. She can take the hamster, and she'd like to do so :-) I clean up both cages, and pack up Nebby for the trip; of course it has to be freaking cold that day, and take Nebby up to her. After I show her the setup, I find excuses to hang around for about an hour, telling my friend the same stuff repeatedly, since I really don't like losing my pets, then finally leave.
At least when I get home, I still have my other two fluffballs to keep me company. One's a Norwegian Forest, with silver and grey tabby markings (Mischief), and the other is a black kitty with some white patches (Millie). Mischief, formerly male, is a big sweet longhaired kitty who doesn't have a brain cell to call his own. It's truly a good thing he's so sweet, since otherwise there'd be problems. His reaction to most threats is to go limp, which one of my friends used to delight in, and still does sometimes. Millie (formerly female), on the otherhand, is the smartest cat I've ever known. I know, I know, everyone says that about their cats. But not everyone has a cat that figured out as a kitten that humans eat off plates, and if you want them to understand that they are to eat your kill (or, in this case, toy mouse) you need to put it on the plate that *someone* left on the floor. Millie has many different nicknames, since she already had her name when I adopted her and I didn't want to confuse her by changing it completely. She's also my baby panther (she grumbles and growls like one), my bitchy kitty (see previous), and kitone (she had the shape of a ketone when she would lay down as a kitten; don't ask, I've some unusual friends). Anyhow, if I ever have the time (not likely) I'll try to post some photos up of them both.
And not, time to go back to my non-life. I have two major exams on Tuesday, and I work every day between now and then. And to make life even better, I have my third test next Monday. To think, I was looking forward to this semester before it started :-)
I object! Mischief does in fact have *one* brain cell! It's only one, but it's all he has.
In case you want to see *my* blog, instead of Nebby's, hop over to http://pandoraanesidor.blogspot.com . Meanwhile, I'm going to add you to my links, so that my readers can find your blog--all two of them! :P
Much love!
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